In this game, I tried out Mothma for the first time to give my MSU more staying power at the expense of the Ackbar side arc boost. I brought the titled MC30s plus a pair of CR90s (Jaina’s Light is my flagship with TRCs and the other is a B-type with engine techs and RBDs) with Shara, Corran, and a pair of YT2400s. My usual opponent, Andy, was fielding Madine on a Liberty, the MC75, a pair of flotillas, and a bunch of Z95s (Proxied with X-Wings). He also had a Strategic Advisor and a good sized bid, so he had the last/first - a recipe for trouble. Objective was most wanted. I made my non-flagship CR90 and his MC75 the objective ships.
Here was the setup (From left to right: Admonition, Jaina, Foresight, Generic CRambo):
I wanted to keep Admonition out of the fight for a round or two and was nervous about the last/first possibilities. I was also trying to turn my flagship away from that Liberty front arc. I moved Foresight in toward his 75 and was playing conservatively with my objective ship. Here is the close of round one:
I managed to get both flotillas at close range of Foresight, but poor Mon Mothma had that Engine Teching Liberty bearing down on her. Admonition was completely out of the fight. Shara very effectively tied up his fighter wing while Corran and the YTs hit the 75. Here is round 2 close:
Naturally, the Liberty activated first and assassinated my admiral (A diplomatic mission, really!). I responded in kind by clearing out both of his flotillas with my H9s on Foresight. I did a shoot and scoot with my objective ship rather than sticking around for the the ramming thing. It would not have been able to do it a second time to make it worth the loss. My three rogues harassed the MC75 on three arcs to reduce flak damage. Here is the close of round 3:
Not much happens on round four. The rogues are sticking to their target like parasites. Here is the close of the round:
Round 5 was similarly uneventful. I pushed Foresight into close range of the MC75, even though I had no chance of getting a shot, just to see if it could survive:
Round six closes with Foresight being wiped out by 75. Overall, a stinging defeat.
This was not a well played game on my part. Looking at the setup, I was already in trouble. The asteroids were reasonably well placed in the center, but half my fleet was not placed to utilize the asteroid placement for cover. Also, my fleet started out together, but the directions of travel forced them apart when they should have stuck closer together to take down one or the other large base. Andy, on the other hand, started his ships a short distance apart, but planned for their convergence and mutual support - a much better approach. Placing my admiral on the CR90 instead of the much more survivable Foresight or Admonition was a bad move. My squadron group performed reasonably well. Shara dismantled his Z95s and the rogues put a bit of damage on the enemy, just not enough without any ship support. List-wise, being outbid and outactivated with an MSU is a recipe for destruction.
Lessons Learned:
- If running an MSU, either outbid or out activate the opponent, preferably both.
- Placing the admiral on a corvette is generally not a wise choice.
- Concentration of firepower is essential against heavy hitting large ships.
- MC30s cannot flank effectively as second player - they must attack the front on the first pass.