This was my first AAR, though not my first game. I ran an Ackbar MSU featuring an MC30T Admonition with Enhanced Armament, an MC30S TRC Foresight as my flagship, and a pair of TRC90s. My regular opponent, Andy, also ran Ackbar with an MC75, AFmk2, and a Pelta (With Intensify Firepower). The objective was contested outpost. Here is the setup:
I placed Admonition on the bottom in order to disrupt his conga line formation. I was moving it in for the first/last. All of my ships were moving speed 3 or 4. Here is the conclusion of round 1:
I managed to double arc the Pelta while keeping everything else relatively safe. Here is the board state at the close of round 2:
Here is the close of round 3 in which I eliminated the Pelta:
Admonition went down, taking a flotilla with it. My own flotilla was about to bite the dust as well. Round 4:
The AFmk2 went down between Foresight and a CR90. The MC75 had taken a pounding from the left most CR90 in earlier rounds. The double arc was set up to finish it off before it could limp away. Round 5:
In the final round, I finished the 75, completing the tabling. Overall, a solid success.
While not intentional, the asteroid placement allowed me relatively free reign of the center while pushing the MC75 to the periphery. My setup was good as it took advantage of the separation between the MC75 and ASsault Frigate, which allowed me to isolate the heavy hitters while knocking out the Pelta early. My target prioritization was very good, I think. My CR90 that circled around the far side of the MC75 did extraordinarily well, dropping most of the shields while surviving the process. Had the rolls been otherwise, the CR90 that circled the MC75, could easily have been popped without doing as much damage. A better move would have been to bring the CR90s in together to drop that AF in round 4 rather than round 5. Admonition perhaps could have made a clean getaway and I may still have had time to bring the MC75 down in the remaining two rounds.
Lessons Learned:
- Concentrate firepower to eliminate individual enemies and reduce enemy firepower.
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