Sunday, July 1, 2018

Screed Interdictor/Rogues vs Ackbar MC80

For this matchup, I brought Screed in an HIE/DCap Interdictor supported by a Victory I w/ Quads and a token passing Gozanti. My squadrons consisted of Morna Kee, Decimator, Boba, Firespray, Dengar, and Mauler Mithel. I could have traded in Jendon/Steele for greater efficiency, but I planned to keep the Gozanti back behind the heavies, so I’d have few spare squadron commands in range. I think Intel is a must to keep my rogue bombers concentrating fire. Mauler is so great with Dengar and synergizes well with Boba, so I tossed him in too. He doesn’t even need commands to put out that free damage.

My regular sparring partner, Andy, brought an Ackbar fleet with a very heavy MC80 (Engineering teams, redundant shields, ECM, & more), Jaina’s Light TRC, Yavaris titled TRC Nebulon with Draven (Ouch), and Toryn Farr in her usual chariot. He had light squadron cover of just Wedge & Dutch. He also had the greater bid (398 to 399). He wisely chose second player and I picked Minefields, figuring I could move the asteroids around enough to help my cause. Here is the setup after I moved three central asteroids:

I moved my Victory up to take a mine to the face, but had a repair command lined up as well as a token from the Gozanti and was able to repair that damage in the next round. Here is the close of round 1:

The second round continued the trajectory of both fleets with the notable exception of the Draven Yavaris. He moved up to speed three. I believe he wanted to find a position to fire on my bomber ball with his three dice flak. Here is the close of round 2:

In round three, Dutch and Wedge hit my squadrons. Dutch was unable to get the requisite accuracy on Mauler to cancel his scatter and move his activation slider. Wedge was therefore unable to use his ability and their alpha strike ended up being ineffectual. My fighters were able to destroy them both in the squadron phase. Andy accidentally activated his MC80 before his CR90 and was unable to turn in with the rest of the fleet, creating an ugly situation in future rounds. Here is the close of round 3:

In round four, I slowed my fleet to speed 1 and let his ships come to me. My squadrons got some solid damage through onto Yavaris. Here is the close of round 4:

The fifth round was decisive and saw the destruction of both the Nebulon and CR90. Here is the close of round 5:

At this point, the game was effectively over. We played it out with the destruction of his flotilla and a respectable salvo from the MC80 onto the Victory. Game over, with a solid victory for Screed and his fantastic Imperial rogues. The Interdictor proved sufficiently maneuverable as it Engine Teched around the Victory. There were, shockingly, no collisions throughout. I had to keep the Victory on the inside of the turn due to its terrible nav chart, which left my Interdictor vulnerable without Brunson use thanks to being too far from the asteroid. This ended up being a non-factor in the result, but it made me play more conservatively with my tank. 

Lessons Learned:

- Minefields can really mess with deployment and neutralize Brunson, watch for that.

- Rogue bombers provide flexibility and self-sufficiency, even when put into an unfavorable deployment.

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