This is a quick recap. I brought my usual competitive list with a few minor changes, specifically with objectives. Andy, on the other side, brought an Ackbar MSU list that he was experimenting with. I was second and Andy chose my Station Assault. Here is the deployment:
I put Ciena on the rock and positioned my Decimators behind to be ready to finish the left most CR90 on the following turn. Here is the close of round 1:
I hit the CR90 with the Interdictor as planned. I was able to clean it up quite neatly with the Decimators and Maarek. Demo was positioned to take some serious damage on the following turn. I had no discernible plan for it. Here is the close of round 2:
Demo escaped and my Interdictor moved along, leaving the stations vulnerable. Here is the close of round 3:
My first station went down and my Rogues began to eat into the MC30s. Maarek’s speed proved to be a huge boon here. I had dropped Bossk for him and was glad of it at this point. Andy was also able to finish off the fleeing Demo. Here is the close of round 4:
The second station went down and the first MC30 popped. The second MC30 was clearly outrunning my Decimators so I went after the flotilla instead. It was not fast enough to elude Maarek Steele however. Here is the close of round 5:
The final round resulted in Maarek Steele eliminating the second MC30, giving me the (slight) win despite the loss of the stations.
My Decimators did fine work, but I lost one of them, which was a big points deficit. Maarek/Jendon were the stars and Ciena gets an honorable mention for tying up Shara and a generic A-Wing for the entirety of the game. Station Assault was not a strong objective for me, but part of that is placement. Had I placed the stations in a corner instead of in the center, I may have been able to capitalize on them a bit more. My use of Demolisher was weak. Ideally, I should have positioned it behind the Interdictor as a finisher.
On Andy’s side, he played well, concentrating his firepower and going after the objective and my weaker ship. He was one hit shy of killing Demo at the top of round 3, but forgot to add in his concentrate fire until after I had already modified his dice with Scramblers, which would have potentially changed my calculations on what to re-roll (red instead of blue crit). He had Shara and one of the generics together, which allowed me to tie them both up with Ciena. Tycho was well utilized tying up my squadrons and even managed to put a fair bit of damage on a Decimator, causing its loss to flak later. Good game.