Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Rieekan Mon Karren & Yavaris vs Thrawn Dic & Vic

I decided to try out Auxiliary Shield Teams on an LMC80 in order to test and see how well it pairs with Yavaris as an escort and centerpiece rather than a flanker. I had Rieekan, Mon Karren, SAd, HIE, QBT, AST, and C&S on the 80; Yavaris with Flight Commander; Bright Hope with Toryn Farr; a Leia/Comms Net flotilla; and a squadron wing that consisted of Hera, Dutch, Wedge, Han, Dagger, and Ten Numb.

On the other side, Andy brought a Thrawn list with a fairly standard Interdictor with SW-7s; a Victory I with Harrow, ET, OE, APT, XI7, and Pryce (Round 3); Gozanti with Woldar and BCC; and a squadron wing that consisted of Maarek/Jendon, 2 Defenders, a Jumpmaster, and Jonus. He had bid, took first, and chose my Superior Positions. Here is the setup:

In the first round, I tokened up, added shields to the sides of Mon Karren and accelerated in order to hit the Victory on the second and third rounds before the Pryce activation. Andy kept the Vic at speed 1 to counter and pulled his squadrons into a defensive position. Here is the opening of round 2:

In the second round, Andy dropped the Vic down to speed 0. I tried to line up a double-arc shot with Mon Karren, but failed. Andy tried to keep his squadrons back, presumably to save them from getting tied down so they could help with the alpha-strike against Mon Karren. Here is the opening of round 3:

The third round was ugly for me. I had a CF Dial ready to go with the Liberty as well as a token. I rolled my 3 red and four blues and got all blanks with the reds and no crits with the blues. I used Toryn to reroll an accuracy into another accuracy and C&S to reroll my reds into a single crit. I mentally blanked on my dial and token until after the shot was resolved. So I scored very little damage on the speed 0 Victory and then in order to avoid flying off the board, I was forced to turn inward toward the Vic and land on the rock while giving him a close range double arc shot to first-last me. It was such an idiot move. I do not think I could have intentionally planned to place Mon Karren in a more favorable spot. The one bright spot was that the crit that Andy drew on the Vic was the one in which he could not resolve critical effects when attacking. That was absolutely huge. In any case, I was able to tie up some squadrons with Wedge, who sacrificed himself for the cause. Here is the opening of round 4:

In the fourth round, Han shot first and managed to finish off the second Defender and then the Victory activated along with Jonus, Maarek, and Jendon in order to try to take down Mon Karren. It managed to survive with a single hull after the ram. Yavaris and Mon Karren teamed up to finish off the Victory. I managed to tie up Andy’s squads again and I repositioned Dagger and Ten Numb to greet the Interdictor after they put in the killing shots on the Vic. We ended up calling it at that point as it was clear that Mon Karren would escape and I’d be able to finish off Andy’s squadrons. Here is the closing board state:

This was a solid win for my side, but it should not have been. The lucky critical against the Victory prevented multiple APT triggers. I also just plain played Mon Karren poorly and deserved to lose it. The inclusion of AST on Mon Karren was good, but I think that it is better suited to a true long-ranged variant. I may try that next time. Dagger and Ten Numb were slow to join the fight, but that was partly my own fault for charging Mon Karren forward in such haste. On the other side, I believe Andy should have set Pryce for round 2 instead of 3. Other than this, he had a bit of bad luck that prevented his win.

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