Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Agate Mon Karren vs Sloane SSD

For this game, I brought Agate on Mon Karren with Heavy Ions, an MC30 TRC Scout, a pair of GR75s, and a medium squadron ball consisting of Shara/Tycho, 2 A-Wings, Lando, and Ketsu. On the other side, Andy brought a Command Type SSD with Sloane, a Gozanti, and a medium squadron ball of TIE Fighters and such. Andy had the bid and gave me first. I picked his Dangerous Territory. Here is the opening deployment:

In the first round, I dove right in with Mon Karren to start getting some damage on the SSD. I kept the MC30 at a respectful distance and bunched my A-Wings up around Mon Karren. Here is the opening of round 2:

In the second round, I worked both combat ships along the sides of the SSD. Here is the opening of round 3:

In the third round, I managed to get behind the SSD. My squadrons were wrecked, but they did manage to distract the TIEs. At this point, I was shooting for a half kill on he SSD. Here is the opening of round 4:

In the fourth round, I continued to chip away at the SSD. My MC30 began to shed tokens fast from the squadrons. Here is the opening of round 5:

In the fifth round, I hit the SSD with the MC30 and tried to jump away. The SSD was able to knock it out with a squad token. Unfortunately for it, the MC30 had delivered quite a lot of damage and Mon Karren was able to put in the last few damage to finish it off. This gave the Rebels a solid win.

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