Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Romodi Dual Onagers vs JJ Kuat LMSU

This game was another dual Onager test. I brought the Onagers with a medium squadron component and Andy brought a Kuat, Arquittens, and Corvus/BTVader Raider. In support, he had a Gozanti and 6 TIE fighters for deployment help. He also had a significant bid, took first, and picked my Station Assault. Here is the opening of round 1 before the Ozzel move on Cataclysm (in the lead):

In the first round, Cataclysm was able to get off a shot against the Kuat at extreme red range. Thanks to JJ, the Kuat then maneuvered out of the ignition arc. I kept my Firesprays in reserve and brought my flagship in behind Cataclysm. Here is the opening of round 2:

In the second round, I was able to wait out the Raider as Andy needed to save the Kuat for last. When the Raider moved in I softened it up with both Onagers. The Firesprays were then able to finish it off in the squad phase to prevent Vader shenanigans. Here is the opening of round 3:

In the third round, Andy used his BT Avenger Kuat to bring Cataclysm down to a single hull. He had to then ram it to finish the job. This left the Kuat exposed to the ignition arc of my flagship. I was able to knock it down to just a few hull, thanks to a number of JJ moves and rock overlaps. The Firesprays finished it off in the squadron phase. We called it at that point. Here is the closing state:

Another victory for Dual Onagers. This has proven to be an extremely powerful archetype - Romodi Onagers with five activations and a medium squadron component. The Kuat was able to knock out one, but could not handle the second one. We’re both really struggling to find something that can provide consistent results against this fleet.

Here is my complete list:

Points: 397/400   
Onager-class Testbed (96 points)
-  Cataclysm  ( 5  points) 
-  Admiral Ozzel (off)  ( 2  points) 
-  Gunnery Chief Varnillian  ( 6  points) 
-  Veteran Gunners  ( 5  points) 
-  Medical Team  ( 1  points) 
-  Orbital Bombardment Particle Cannons  ( 5  points) 
120 total ship cost
[ flagship ] Onager-class Testbed (96 points)
-  General Romodi  ( 20  points) 
-  Strategic Adviser  ( 4  points) 
-  Sensor Team  ( 5  points) 
-  Veteran Gunners  ( 5  points) 
-  Medical Team  ( 1  points) 
-  Orbital Bombardment Particle Cannons  ( 5  points) 
136 total ship cost
Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points)
-  Darth Vader (off)  ( 1  points) 
-  Comms Net  ( 2  points) 
26 total ship cost
Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points)
-  Hondo Ohnaka  ( 2  points) 
-  Comms Net  ( 2  points) 
27 total ship cost
Ciena Ree ( 17 points) 
Firespray-31s ( 54 points) 
Tel Trevura ( 17 points) 
88 total squadron cost

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