Thursday, June 7, 2018

Cracken MSU vs Vader Dual ISDs

After a month without playing, Andy and I brought together familiar fleets. I ran a Cracken MSU with Admonition, triple TRC90s with Engine Techs, a pair of slicer tool flotillas and the standard Shara/Tycho fighter support. He brought a Cymoon, ISD2, flotilla, and token fighter wing of IG88 & Saber Squadron (Anti Shara/Tycho tech). With a 19 point bid, I took first and chose his Ion Cannon objective.

I had a significant deployment advantage and so placed my flotillas, fighters and a single CR90 (on left, not visible in the first picture. He had to place his ISDs and I still had three combat ships remaining. These I placed across from the Cymoon, intending to rush forward and eliminate it in isolation. Here is the setup picture:

The first turn progressed as planned. The Cymoon pushed forward at speed three to meet my advance. I moved my fighters up a bit too far and they ended up getting engaged by IG88 with Saber behind. This was a mistake on my part as I was careless and didn’t measure properly. Here is the close of round 1:

In round two, the Cymoon turned to avoid taking a close range shot from Admonition. I moved Admonition in for the double arc. Here is the close of round 2:

In round three, I put fairly significant damage into the Cymoon and positioned myself for the finishing blow. Admonition ended up at close range of the Cymoon rear. I sliced the Cymoon with my right flotilla. Here is the close of round 3:

My first activation in round four yielded me this roll without any re-rolls.

After eliminating the Cymoon with the above roll, I used my CR90s to ram the flotilla to death. My own flotilla on the left side went down to the Ion Cannon and ISD. Here is the close of round 4:

We called the game at that point with a fairly decisive victory to me.

Lessons Learned:

- Better to pair ships up rather than run a 3/1 type pincer. One of my CR90s on the far right never even got to fire.

- Be careful with squad activations so that you don’t get jumped at the close of round 1.

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