For this match, I brought a three activation ISD2/Arq/Flotilla fleet with a rogue heavy full squadron compliment consisting of Morna, 2x Firesprays, Zertik, Vader, Mauler, and Dengar. My opponent, Andy, brought a fairly standard Dodonna Pelta/Yavaris list with a TRC90 and a pair of flotillas. His fighter compliment included Luke, Gold, 2x Scurrgs (Proxied), Rogue, and Shara/Tycho. I had a three point bid and chose first. Objective was fighter ambush.
Andy set his fleet up as a slow moving fortress type formation. Here is the setup:
First round was about positioning:
Second round was the start of engagement. I pushed my Arq out front and it took a beating from Luke. My squadrons hit his fighter wing and tied it up which left the three bombers free to hit Yavaris. Here is the close of the second round:
In the third round, Yavaris drifted into medium range of the ISD and was popped along with the TRC90. I lost my Arq in return. Here is the close of the third round:
The fourth round involved the destruction of the Pelta and one of the flotillas, ending the game in my favor. Here is the close of the fourth round:
My fighter wing was tailored to tie up an enemy squadron ball while hitting the enemy ships. It wasn’t designed to win, but to survive long enough to put in some pretty meaningful damage. The benefit to this is that if my opponent doesn’t bring squadrons, it still functions almost flawlessly. I was very pleased with the overall performance of my fighters, even though I didn’t destroy a single enemy squadron. Things may have been a bit different had Jan Ors been on the table. This would have allowed Andy to disengage his fighters from mine and stick closer to his ships or engage my ISD.
Lessons Learned:
- Keep your Arquittens in the rear or flank and utilize it as a finisher or harasser.
- Don’t underestimate the value of intel even if you have a solid AA component. A single turn of lost bombing damage may make the difference.
- Low activation count can be mitigated by a solid squadron compliment, especially with rogue bombers.
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