Sunday, December 23, 2018

Dodonna MC75 & Yavaris vs Raddus MC75 Boarding Troopers

I went to a casual store tournament and brought a Dodonna list with an MC75 Armored Cruiser with DCO, ECM, QBTs, HIEs, ExRacks, and C&S; Yavaris with Flight Commander and Medical Teams; Bright Hope with Toryn and BCC; and a squadron ball of Jan, 3 X-Wings, Dutch, Hera, and a pair of Scurrgs. 

Unfortunately, only one other guy showed up. Fortunately one other guy showed up so we were at least able to play. He brought a Raddus list that was upgrade light. It included an Assault Pelta with IFF, two Hammerheads with ExRacks, a Toryn/BCC flotilla, and an MC75 with Boarding Troopers and ExRacks. He had a medium squadron ball consisting of Shara, Rogue Squadron, Ten Numb, and 3 Lancers.

I had the bid and chose his Superior Positions. Here is the opening deployment:

In the first round I stuck to formation and moved forward at speed 2. Squadrons clashed lightly in the center. Here is the close of round 1:

In round 2, the opposing MC75 Raddus-dropped directly in front of my MC75. I used Yavaris and the GR75 to push my squadrons into the squadron fight. I kept the two Scurrgs and Hera in reserve. My MC75 hit the opposing MC75. His MC75 hit Yavaris. I was able to inflict enough damage with ExRacks and HIEs that my Scurrgs could finish off the enemy 75 in the squadron phase. Here is the close of round 2:

In round 3, I activated Yavaris first and dropped the Hammerhead with a combination of Scurrgs and red dice. We played out the fourth turn Yavaris and Pelta activations and he managed to get a lucky structural damage to finish off Yavaris, but it was clear the Pelta was done for and his remaining Hammerhead wouldn’t be far behind so we called it at that point. It was a solid win for Dodonna.

I deployed in a fairly tight formation, which worked well to concentrate my firepower on the MC75 in the key round. Hera’s ability came in handy to put some early damage on Rogue Squadron in the first round and to push the Scurrgs in the second round. I find that she pairs quite well with a first-activation Yavaris to line up a double-tap, which I did against the Hammerhead in the third round. The Jan/X-Wing ball worked well against the opposition, tying up enemy fighters while leaving the Scurrgs free to engage the ships.

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