Sunday, December 2, 2018

REGIONALS Round 1: Screed Interdictor & Rogues vs Vader Cymoon & Demo

I went to my first Regionals in Orlando and after a solid showing in the Autumn Vassal Tournament, I decided that running my usual Screed Interdictor list was a good choice. I chose to drop Bossk and IG88 for Maarek and Ciena while upgrading a generic Firespray to Boba Fett. This gave me fewer true Rogues, but as I had the flotilla, I figured it wouldn’t matter over much. My first match of the day was against Daniel, who ran a Vader Cymoon, projection expert Interdictor, Demolisher, and token passing Gozanti. He was squadless and had a lower bid. I took first and picked Contested Outpost. Here is the setup after I pulled the station back toward me:

Round one, I held Demo back in reserve while pushing my Interdictor up with Engine Techs in order to get a shot with Heavy Ions on the following round. Daniel moved up to try to claim the station token. His Demo was terribly out of position and lacked the flexibility of Engine Techs to get him into the fray early enough to make a difference. Here is the close of round 1:

On round two, my Interdictor went head to head with the Cymoon, which was hurting by the close of the round. Scramblers helped to preserve my Interdictor. His own Scramblers were ineffectual against the many small shots that my squadrons were throwing. The Cymoon popped my Gozanti at long range. Here is the close of round 2:

On round three, I destroyed the Cymoon and started in on the opposing Interdictor:

On round four, I continued to chip away on his Interdictor. I also got to ram his Gozanti to death in order to keep my Interdictor in place for a second Outpost token:

On round five, the Interdictor went down and my squads began to lay into his Demolisher:

Round six saw the destruction of his Demo to my squadrons. This ended as a solid 10-1 victory. My Heavy Ions did good work, dropping the shields on the Cymoon faster than he could regenerate them. Daniel mis-deployed his Demo and skimped on the Engine Techs. He also moved his Cymoon up a bit too aggressively on turn one. Either one of those factors would have been damaging, but taken together, I was able to pick his ships apart piecemeal. Daniel was a solid opponent and it sounded like he was able to spot his weaknesses and adapt his play in the next games.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant read and great photos. Thanks for the share! :)


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