My final match in the POD play was against Viktor Tanek. I had never played him, but knew he was a solid player from his performance in the Autumn Vassal Tournament. He also had a pretty frightening Raddus list with an ACM/Profundity MC75, an HIE CR90, and an ACM type Landmonition. In support, he had a pair of Slicer flotillas and Shara/Tycho, which was bound to give me trouble. He took first and picked Fighter Ambush for the deployment advantage. He also elected to forgo use of the Profundity title in order to out-activate me prior to the drop.
I deployed my ships at an oblique angle, keeping Demo on the inside of the Interdictor to prevent it from being scalpelled out. I shifted some asteroids and then placed my squadrons. I set up Boba in the center, hoping to use his ability, and I occupied the other nearby asteroid to prevent Shara or Tycho from hiding there. Here is the setup:
In the first round, Viktor played it conservatively while I pushed Maarek/Jendon and Ciena up to hit his fighters (Thanks Hondo). This was probably a mistake as Maarek really got beat up and then both Maarek and Jendon were grossly out of position for future activations. Nevertheless, Ciena was able to lock down Shara and Tycho moved away. My rogue elements hit his ships, focusing on the CR90. Here is the opening of round 2:
In the second round, Viktor moved a Slicer flotilla up on the right to spot for the Raddus drop. I jumped Demo forward to hit the CR90 and managed to kill it was a Structural Damage, though I was ready to Engine Tech as well for the final damage to keep him from activating it. He positioned Admo to double-arc Demo and I moved my Dictor into Scrambler range of the Demo, also occupying the station for future ramming goodness. Boba finished off Tycho, who had locked down Morna. Morna and the Firespray soften up Admo with some help from Jendon. Viktor deployed his Raddus ship to block the Dictor in a double-arc. Here is the opening of round 3:
In the third round, Admo activated first, but failed to proc a crit against Demo thanks to the Targeting Scramblers. My Interdictor softened the MC75 with HIEs, hit Admo out the side, and double rammed the 75. The 75 hit the Dictor, but also failed to procure a crit due to Scramblers/Brunson. Nevertheless, there was enough damage to cause some significant discomfort. Demo activated and finished off Admo with a rear shot and then put some solid damage into the rear of the 75, stripping its remaining shields. The close of the round saw the 75 at 2 hull remaining. Here is the opening of round 4:
The fourth round opened with the 75 hitting the Dictor again, but once again Scramblers and Brunson prevented the needed crit and the Dictor was left on just 2 hull after being rammed. We called it at that point as Demo was in range to shut Shara down and the 75 had zero chance of escape, leaving me with a very solid win.
Viktor played well, but my Scramblers won this one for me. With some reasonable rolls without Scramblers, Admo could have removed Demo and then the 75 could have killed the Dictor. My Demo thrust against the CR90 was a key maneuver in this game as well. By knocking it out, I removed a rather outsized threat, and I also placed Demo to either put some damage into the 75 on the following turn or force it to split fire and leave my Interdictor alone.
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