Sunday, February 17, 2019

Local Tournament Round 1: Raddus Libery & Admonition vs Vader Dual Cymoon (Observer)

We made the short drive out to Cool Stuff in Orlando for the monthly Armada tournament. I really wanted to try out a couple variants to my usual Screed Interdictor/Demo & Rogue build. Unfortunately, there was an odd number of players and I got the bye so I missed the first round. As I was sitting around anyways, I grabbed pictures for a match between Andy and Tim (Crabbok). Andy was running his Raddus Liberty/Admo list and Tim brought a pair of Cymoons with Vader as his commander. The Cymoons were interesting. He went with Spinals, Quad Cannons, and Veteran Gunners. The idea here was to fish for a red accuracy with Veteran Gunners, add an additional red, and then re-roll with Vader. He also had IFF to smooth things out. These Cymoons had some extremely high potential damage.

Andy had the bid, picked first and selected Dangerous Territory. Here is the opening deployment. The Cymoons were at speed 1:

In the first round, Tim reduced the Cymoons to speed 0 to delay the Raddus drop. Andy also played it safe. Here is the opening of round 2:

In the second round, Andy continued to operate conservatively. Tim bumped it up to speed 1, but turned his rightmost Cymoon inward toward Admo. He caught it right away that he made a big mistake here and allowed the Liberty a perfect flanking drop with the CR90. Here is the opening of round 3 right before Andy placed the Liberty to the side at long range of the leftmost Cymoon:

In the third round, Andy popped the Gozanti and Tim popped the GR75. Tim did a long range shot on Admo as well, and after modification and effects, did a net 1 damage. This was a huge disappointment for him as that was a ten-dice shot. Here is the opening of round 4:

In the fourth round, Andy hit that Cymoon hard with the Lib and Admo, but couldn’t quite bring it down. Tim likewise couldn’t quite bring down Admonition. Here is the opening of round 5:

In round five, Andy fled with Admo on two hull and finished off the flagship Cymoon. The remaining Cymoon had nothing worthwhile to shoot at and was at full health still. No other losses occurred. Here is the opening of round 6:

Andy ended up with an 8-3 win. They were even on objective tokens. Tim made the decision to re-roll a couple times with worse results than the initial roll. That’s a tough call. He most certainly could have eliminated Admo with even average results. His second turn decision to point the leftmost Cymoon inward was probably the key mistake here. Had he remained at speed zero and banked the Nav token, things may have gone very differently. Andy did well to capitalize on the open flank and to concentrate fire on the flagship. He played conservatively and was rewarded with a strong win.

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