In this game, I experimented with a number of different objectives to see how it fits my play style. Andy brought a Dodonna Mon Karren Critical-Drill type MC80, a pair of TRC90s with Engine Techs, a Comms Net flotilla, Quantum Storm/Slicer flotilla, Tycho, HWK, and two VCXs. We were tied for bid and we flipped for it. I got to choose and I picked 2nd in order to try out my objectives. Andy chose my Station Assault. He had a slight deployment advantage and was able to place Mon Karren last. Here is the opening setup after I shifted obstacles:
In the first round, I turned inward and used the Dictor to shelter Demo for the time being. I kept the Firespray and Morna in reserve. Here is the opening of round 2:
In the second round, Andy was able to ram my flotilla with his CR90 on the right. I moved Demo in to trade up if he decides to double-ram the Gozanti on the following round. Slicer Storm sliced Demo (who was at speed 3). I moved my Interdictor out of range of MK, and he moved in for a rear shot with the same. I definitely made a mistake by having Morna and and Firespray out of the action against that CR90. Here is the opening of round 3:
In the third round, the CR90 did indeed double-ram my flotilla. I made another mistake of activating Demo before the Dictor. I finished off the CR90 and landed on the rock. MK activated and put some fairly significant damage through into the Dictor, including the XX-5 double Dodonna criticals. Andy chose to half my repair value and then only allow a single attack each round against ships. Ouch! I activated with a repair and combined it with a token to remove the half-value critical. Tycho tied up Morna and I moved Maarek, Jendon, and Boba over. Here is the opening of round 4:
In the fourth round, Andy activated Quantum Storm first and sliced the Dictor to prevent it from ETing in front of Demo in order to keep it on the board. He correctly divined my plan here. I activated my Dictor to get further away from MK. I landed on the station and healed the other crit, but thanks to the slice, could not get far enough in front of Demo. The remaining CR90 killed the first station. Demo managed to procure a red accuracy thanks to the CF dial and killed that pesky Quantum Storm. One more turn of slicing and Demo would have flown off the board. My squadrons killed Tycho and the HWK, but they prevented me from hitting MK. Here is the opening of round 5:
In the fifth round, Andy had the double-arc on the Dictor. He scored a solid hit with his side arc as well as a really good hit with the front. The side shot depleted all of my remaining shields and the front arc shot came very close to finishing the job. I was able to activate and repair a damage and then finish off MK with combined fire from the Dictor and the squadrons. I lost my Firespray to flak. The TRC90 moved in for the killing blow against the Dictor, which was down to just a few hull remaining. Here is the opening of round 6:
In the final round, Andy was hoping to kill the Dictor. He had the double-arc and used TRC on his side arc shot for three damage. I scrambled it down to 1. He then did a front arc shot and only scored a single hit, which I used Brunson to negate. After the double-ram, the Dictor would remain on a single hull point. So close. We called it at that as the CR90 would not have had much chance against my squadrons and a shot from the Dictor combined.
On my end, I made a number of mistakes. I should have kept Morna and the Firespray up with Boba in order to draw Tycho in or to hit the CR90 and finish it off. I also should have activated my Dictor before Demo in round three -- a mistake which resulted in two very nasty crits. Lastly, I ignored Quantum Storm, which wreaked havoc with my ships and was very close to forcing Demo off the board single-handedly.
On the other side, Andy brought a pretty devastating list. The Mon Karren setup was just deadly. In addition to the title, it had ETs, Bail, SW7s, C&S, Spinals, and XX-5s. He handled Quantum Storm very well. It became more than just a nuisance. He was perhaps a little aggressive with his right-wing TRC90, and a little conservative with his left-wing one, but the left-wing one had Dodonna on board, so I can understand playing it safe there. He played well and really should have been able to kill the Interdictor, had his last shot been so poor. Really good game.
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