Friday, March 29, 2019

WORLDS Round 1: Dave vs Jeremy

For Worlds, I brought my Screed Interdictor & Flechette Demo list. I switched out some squadrons and ended up with Morna, Maarek, Jendon, Ciena, Bossk, and a Decimator. I had grossly unfounded concerns about running into generic-heavy squadron builds, which was why I took Bossk and the Decimator over Boba and a Firespray.

First round was against Jeremy, who won in the Virginia Regionals. I love his list with the Dictor and the Quasar. It has a great squadron component that consists of Maarek, Jendon, Mauler, Howlrunner, Saber, Valen, and a pair of Firesprays. He had the bid and took first. He picked my Hyperspace Assault. I missed the deployment picture, but here is the close of the first round. At the beginning of the second, I placed my Dictor off the center token in order to kill the Gozanti:

In the second round, he was able to alpha-strike Maarek. I was able to flak with Demo in return and eliminate Saber and Valen. I also knocked out his Gozanti. Here is the opening of round 3:

In round three, we continued the brutal squadron fight. I lost my Decimator and Ciena and he lost Maarek and Mauler. Here is the opening of round 4:

In the fourth round, I lost Bossk and finally killed Howlrunner. I started to give chase to the Quasar. Here is the opening of round five:

In the fifth round, Jeremy almost killed Morna with the Firesprays. With Jendon, she was able to finish both of them off however. Unfortunately, that meant the Quasar was able to escape. Here is the opening of the final round:

Jeremy was able to escape with his Quasar, leaving me with a tight 6-5 victory in the first round. I was happy to take the win against him. Neither of us spent much time hitting the Interdictors as we both judged them to be too tough to take down. The squadron fight was brutal and messy. Great game!

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