In this match, I brought an ISD2 with Jerjerrod, Kallus, QLT, GT, SW7, ECM, and the new Linked Turbolaser Tower; an Arquittens with Needa and TRC; Comms Net Gozanti; and a squadron ball of Mauler, Dengar, Morna, and 3 Decimators. On the other side, Andy brought a Vader Cymoon (on left) and Kuat (on right); a Comms Net Gozanti; and 4 TIE Fighters. Andy had the bid, took first, and selected my Fighter Ambush. I was able to position my Decimators to try to hit the Kuat on the first round, but only two of them were able to get into range. One of the TIEs went down. Here is the opening of round 2:
In the second round, I used Jerjerrod to keep my distance with my ISD2. Andy was able to get his Kuat in close to the Arquittens. Little hope for that one. My Decimators went to work on the Kuat. Here is the opening of round 3:
In the third round, the Arquittens went down. My Decimators were able to finish off the Kuat. Here is the opening of round 4:
In the fourth round, my Gozanti survived a long range Cymoon shot. I was able to take down the opposing Gozanti and I stripped most of the shields from the Cymoon. Here is the opening of round 5:
In the fifth and sixth rounds, I continued to hammer the Cymoon with the Decimators, but it just barely survived. Nevertheless, I earned a fairly sizable stack of fighter ambush tokens. This gave me substantial win. This was another tough matchup for Andy as rogues do very good work against Dual ISD lists. It was also pretty well decided when I declined a head-on engagement between my ISD and the two of Andy’s.
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