Monday, September 30, 2019

Rieekan Defiance vs JJ Dual ISD

In this match, I brought a Rieekan list with an MC80 Command variant with Defiance Title, ECM, Strategic Advisor, Hardened Bulkheads, ET, HIE, LTT; an MC30 with Expert Shield Tech, OE, ACM, RBD; Quantum Storm with Ezra and Slicer Tools; a Comms Net flotilla; and a squadron ball of Shara, Tycho, Lando, and Dash. On the other side, Andy brought a Cymoon, BT Avenger Kuat, and Comms Net Gozanti. His squadrons consisted of Ciena, Valen, Jonus, and a standard TIE. He had JJ and the new Take Evasive Action, allowing his ISDs to do really crazy turns (2-2-2 at speed three). Andy took first, picked my Solar Corona, and deployed. I set up my fleet to focus on the Cymoon (on right). Here is the start of the first round:

In the first round, I moved up with the MC80 and brought the MC30 in behind to support it. Here is the opening of the round 2:

In the second round, I sliced the Cymoon but had to burn my scatter token. I also positioned my MC30 to try to catch an ISD at close range if Andy tried to close with my flagship. I was able to procure an HIE hit on the Cymoon and to knock out Ciena with my squadrons. Here is the opening of round 3:

In the third round, I lost Quantum Storm on the left and Andy dropped to speed zero on the Cymoon in an attempt to avoid a close range shot from my MC30. I hit fairly hard with the MC80 and dropped the Cymoon down to something like 5 hull remaining. I then pushed the MC30 up to speed 4 in order to avoid the Cymoon front arc. This proved unnecessary as Dash and Lando were able to score th requisite damage to finish the Cymoon flagship off. We called it just after that as my ships were far out of position to chase Andy’s Kuat and he was disinclined to pursue my ships. 

Link Turbolaser Towers proved to be quite valuable once again. The star of the game was the Lando squadron. Scoring a guaranteed 2-3 damage is immensely valuable as a finisher. He may be my new favorite squadron, perhaps even topping Morna Kee, who fills a similar role.

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