Thursday, January 2, 2020

Romodi Dual Interdictors vs Agate MC75

For this game, we decided to try out the upcoming commanders for the first time. I took Romodi and put together a list containing dual Interdictors, an Arquittens, and a pair of Gozantis. Andy brought Agate on board an MC75 Ordnance Cruiser, a TRC90, Yavaris, and a pair of GR75s. In support, he had a medium squadron component with a bunch of Y-Wings and such. I had the bid, took second player, and Andy chose my Doomed Station. Here is the opening of round 1:

In the first round, my more heavily-kitted, non-flagship Dictor took the lead while my flagship remained in the rear. Here is the opening of round 2:

In the second round, I stripped the shields from the MC75. I had an impressive kill-box set up to ensure that there was no escape for his flagship. Andy was more cautious with Yavaris and the TRC90 and was able to keep them mostly out of reach. Here is the opening of round 3:

In the third round, the MC75 went down in a blaze of glory. Yavaris remained out of range of the Arquittens and the rear Dictor. The squadrons piled on my front Dictor, working it slowly down. Here is the opening of round 4:

In the fourth round, my front Dictor continued to take on a steady trickle of damage while Andy’s TRC90 strayed into range of my rear Dictor. He rammed my Gozanti to finish it off after it took some damage from the MC75 and then used engine techs to escape the Dictor double-arc. This brought him into long range of my Arquittens, which was able to throw five reds with LTT and finish it off.

In the fifth round, my front Dictor double-rammed the closer GR75 to kill it and then finally died after it lost the Brunson effect. Yavaris was out of the fight and my flagship and Arquittens were likewise unable to engage. Nevertheless, I was able to collect the objective token on the station every round plus kill a bit more of Andy’s fleet than he killed of mine so it was a solid Imperial victory.

Here’s what worked well: Romodi combined beautifully with the Arquittens. They are a natural fit. The Interdictors with obstruction, DCaps, CF commands, and CF tokens almost guaranteed the HIE critical effect without having to discard a dice as I would in a Screed fleet. The Interdictor is easy to fly in such a way as to get the double-arc. I highly recommend both the Dictor and Arquittens. If I had the points I would also have loved to upgrade the Gozantis to the Assault Type. At one point, I had my Gozanti throw three blue dice thanks to a CF command and obstruction. It would have been an easy thing to have done this multiple times from long range with reds. Alternatively, DCaps could be a very interesting inclusion on the Gozantis for the three blue dice at long range. In short: Romodi is a fantastic commander!

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