This one was our first 800 point game. We also had a third player to make it a two on one game. I took the rebels and Andy and Anthony took the Imperials. Mine was a a Madine list with an MC80 Mon Karren, MC75 Ordnance Cruiser, 3 MC30 Scouts, a CR90, a pair of GR75s, and an A-Wing/YT2400 squadron ball. On the other side, Andy had the SSD Command type with an MMJ squadron ball in Rapid Launch Bays and a pair of Gozantis. Anthony had a Vic1, Vic2, and Demo with Ciena/Valen. I had a substantial deployment advantage and so was able to position the bulk of my fleet on the right in order to hit his flank and roll the fleet up. At least, that was my intent on deployment. Here is the opening of round 1:
In the first round, I lined up my MC30s to apply rapid pressure on the Imperial flank. My MC75 moved along slowly to threaten the SSD should it turn hard to engage the rest of my fleet. My CR90 sped in to double-arc the SSD and prepare to jump out of range. Here is the opening of round 2:
In the second round, my fleet worked the Vic1 down and almost finished it. Here is the opening of round 3:
In the third round, I was able to finish off the Vic1 without issue and put pressure on the Vic2. My MC30 formation scattered after two of them took some relatively substantial shield damage. The SSD dropped the MMJ ball on my MC75, but it was unable to destroy it outright and my A-Wings were able to kill the Jumpmaster and tie up the opposing squadrons. Demo scored an APT hit on the Liberty that resulted in the Blinded Gunner critical. That was the absolutely pivotal point in the fight as I was depending on an accuracy to lock down the Vic2 brace and destroy it before it could shoot. Here is the opening of round 4:
In the fourth round, I was unable to kill the Vic2 outright with the Liberty thanks to the Blinded Gunners. As a result, it was able to kill my Liberty flagship instead before my MC30s could finish it. My MC75 was also finished off by the SSD. With the destruction of my two heavy-hitters in return for the the 2 Victories, we called the game. I may have been able to hunt down Demo with Lando and a TY2400, but the rest of my squadrons would have been eliminated by Maarek, Morna, and Jendon and my flotillas were also in danger. Here is the final board state:
This was a really fun game. Having 800 points to play with was great and allowed me to get some ships out that rarely see action. My TRC Scout Frigates are normally far too expensive for what they do, but with the extra points, I felt like I could justify their inclusion. Without Ackbar, Arquittens are just better for the cost, but they are a lot of fun. My Liberty did some work, but went down very quickly against the combined firepower of Demolisher and the Victory. In retrospect, it would have been better to keep the MC30s close to the Liberty to cover its approach and to help against Demo, but I was expecting them to do better damage on the first pass and then to simply use the Liberty as a finisher. All in all, great game!
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