Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Mon Mothma Triple MC30s vs Madine Liberty

After taking a bit of a hiatus from triple MC30s, I decided to bring them out again. I’ve primarily run Ackbar with triple MC30s, but wanted to boost survivability without Cracken, who simply works best with CR90s in my opinion. 

I went with a pair of scout type MC30s with SFO, TRC, OEs, and External Racks. One of them also had Foresight, which was my flagship. I also had a torpedo variant with Admonition, Lando, OEs, and APTs. In support, I had a Comms Net flotilla, a slicer tool flotilla, Shara/Tycho, a HWK, and a VCX.

On the other side of the table, my usual opponent, Andy, brought Madine on an MC80BC with a pretty standand build, a pair of ET TRC90s with Intel Officers, Slicer flotilla, Shara/Tycho, and a pair of A-Wings. He had a strong bid and chose first. He picked Navigational Hazards, which we’ve never played. I placed Admonition on the left/front, and the other MC30s on the right, with Foresight in the rear position. Here is the setup:

Here is the close of the first round:

In the second round, Andy tried to circle his CR90 around my left flank after Admonition activated. The MC80 got a long range shot off on my Slicer Flotilla, but failed to get the requisite accuracy. Here is the close of round 2:

In the third round, the MC80 activated first and hit both the flotilla and Admonition. With a really bad roll, he failed to finish the flotilla, leaving it with one hull. Admonition used Lando and took minimal damage. It was actually fortunate for him that the flotilla didn’t pop as he was able to ram it and avoid landing on asteroids that I had placed for that very purpose. He remained outside of close range of my two MC30 Scouts as well. I activated my lead Scout and knocked out the CR90 on the left. I put quite a bit of damage on the MC80 with Admonition, but he was left with two hull remaining at the end of the round. Here is the close of round 3 (AFTER the movement of asteroids at the beginning of round 4):

In round four, Andy moved the Liberty first, but was unable to maneuver in such a way to avoid close range of both MC30 Scouts or not land on an asteroid. He elected to land on the asteroid, drew a Structural Damage, and the MC80 was lost. We called the game at that point.

I was able to maneuver my MC30s quite successfully to get them into the right place at the right time. Navigational Hazards ended up being a very strong objective for me to combat the Liberty and to "incentivize" it to move toward the middle of my formation where I had multiple threats. On the other side, Andy got aggressive with his CR90 on the left, which allowed me to fork it on the same turn that he moved his Liberty in for an aggressive first activation double shot.

Lessons Learned

- When preparing for a round in which you have a strong first activation, make sure to hold your other assets back to prevent an unfavorable "forking".

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