Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Sloane Harrow & Corvus vs Garm MC80

In this casual game, I decided to try out a couple new cards. I brought a Vic 1 with Sloane, Harrow, ET, QBT, OE, APT, and the new Expert Shield Tech; a Raider 1 with Corvus, Isen, ExRacks, and OE; a Typical Squall type Quasar, and a Defender-heavy squadron ball. On the other side, Andy brought a Garm Home One, Pelta with IF!, a pair of Slaved Turret Hammerheads, Repair Crew flotilla, and 4 Z95s. I took first and picked his Ion Cannon (a bad move). Here is the setup:

In the first round, I banked nav tokens and prepared to hit Andy’s Pelta and Hammerheads on he following round. Here is the opening of round 2:

In the second round, I swept away Andy’s meager squadron cover, but failed to make much headway against the ships. My Victory began to take long-range damage, which stripped the shields in short order. I stuck my Raider in front of the MC80, not necessarily to pin it in place, but because it’s a nice safe spot (so I thought). Here is the opening of round 3:

In the third round, I activated the Quasar first. I was hoping to put enough damage into the Pelta to remove it before it could fire. I rather forgot that I had dropped Maarek Steele in favor of Whisper in order to try that out. I barely scratched it and Andy dropped the Raider with just the right roll in conjunction with a CF dial. I next activated the Victory, which had a double arc shot on the Pelta, but the Pelta survived again with a single hull. Andy activated the rest of his fleet and dropped the Victory while also damaging the Quasar. Here is the opening of round 4:

In the fourth round, the Ion Cannon was able to knock out the Quasar before any activations. We didn’t play it out, but Whisper was able to score a damage on the Pelta to finish it off. A crushing defeat for the Empire. Andy set up a really nice kill-box in the center, which I boldly flew into in my haste to get down to a fight. The Harrow title with ETs did little to benefit me this game. The Corvus title let me reposition to block in the MC80, which was a neat trick, but it did not gain me much. I pretty well lost this one on objective choice and deployment.

Lessons Learned:

- Don’t fly into a kill-box.

- Sloane without Maarek Steele delivers subpar results.

- Hammerhead and Pelta long range damage adds up fast!

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