Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Screed Interdictor/Rogues vs Ackbar Assault Frigates

This was another game with my favorite Screed list. I brought the Interdictor with HIEs, DCaps, ETs, Brunson, Target Scramblers, Title, and Grav Shift as my flagship. In support, I had a Comms Net Gozanti and Demo2 with ETs, OEs, Flechette Torpedoes, and Kallus.  My fighter wing consisted of Morna, IG88, 2 Decimator, and 2 Firesprays. On the other side, Andy brought two Assault Frigates with XI7s, Intel Officers, and Gunnery Teams as the backbone of the fleet. Ackbar was on a TRC90, Draven on an otherwise naked Escort type Nebulon, and a Leia Comms Net flotilla with Shara/Tycho for cover.

I had the bid and chose second player. He chose my Station Assault, which was good because we’ve never played that one. Once he placed his flotilla, I had a very good idea of where he was setting up, knowing his penchant for formation flying. Here is the post-setup state after I’ve shifted the obstacles around to my liking:

In the first round, Andy sped his forces up to get into range of the station. He did a great job of keeping formation, not ramming himself, and avoiding my obstacle trap. I pushed Demo up to get in front of his line. Here is the close of round 1:

In the second round, the forward most AF rammed the flotilla to stay in place. The rear AF jumped to the front. I maneuvered my Demo around the flotilla, gunning for the CR90, but landed just outside of close range. Tycho jumped in to tie up my squad ball. I thought I could knock him out pretty easily in a single round, but he annoyingly stuck around with 1 health after countering all 5 of squadrons. One of the Decimators rolled all blanks, which was highly irritating. Here is the close of round 2:

On the third round, the now forward AF executed a very nice Ackbar slash. This allowed Demo to move in for the assassination attempt. The forward arc netted a single damage. I was then able to ram, shoot with my side arc - netting an extraordinarily fortuitous structural damage, and then finish the CR90 off with another ram from the Engine Techs. This was certainly the deciding factor of the game going forward. The Nebulon took pretty significant damage from the Interdictor and then got stuck ramming for the last damage. The ever annoying Tycho managed to knock out one of my Firesprays before going down. Here is the close of round 3:

The fourth round involved the destruction of the lead frigate and one of the stations. Here is the close of round 4:

In the final round, the second station took some damage, both flotillas were destroyed, and then the frigate was dropped by my Rogues. Here is the close of the round with no opposition:

In adjusting this list, decided to revert to using the anti-squadron Demolisher due to its greater flexibility over the Victory I had utilized in my previous game using Screed. The choice paid off. The ET Gladiator is weaker vs ships, but having the heavy support to my squadrons lets me drop Intel and go for a quick victory on the squadron front before hitting the ships. I was also going to bring Jendon, which would have worked well for me his game, but wanted to compare Decimator to Firespray performance.

During setup, I was able to push some asteroids toward the enemy while pulling the stations back toward my side. I could have pulled them back further, but wanted to use the stations to repair the Interdictor in the event of damage, which was likely. This turned out to be a non-factor and worked against me.

I was able to drop the Ackbar CR90 and neutralize the Assault Frigate broadsides in the process. This was primarily due to a fortunate structural damage. The outcome may have been substantially different had the CR90 activated first or not drawn that particular critical. 

Lessons Learned:

- While Decimators have statistically superior anti-squadron damage as compared to Firesprays, the latter tended to be better performers due to accuracy procurement.

- Keep your stations back during Station Assault to ensure the enemy most get in beyond the asteroids to take shots.

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