Sunday, July 15, 2018

Tournament: Screed Interdictor/Rogues vs Thrawn Dual Interdictor

For my first tournament I decided to run the Screed Interdictor list I’ve been practicing with a bit. My list had the Interdictor with HIEs, DCaps, Brunson, Targeting Scramblers, and Engine Techs. The Gladiator II had Demolisher, Kallus, flechettes, OEs, and ETs. The Gozanti simply had a Comms Net. My squadrons were Morna, Jendon, IG88, Boba Fett, and a pair of Firesprays.

My opponent, Bernie, had a pair of Interdictors - something I did not expect to face, and a naked Gozanti. His admiral was Thrawn. His squadrons consisted of Jendon/Steele, Morna, Bossk, Zertik, and Gamma Squadron.

Going into this, I felt like this could almost be something of a mirror match with the Interdictors and some squad overlap. I had a four point bid and chose to go first, knowing that he’d have a safe or advantageous objective. I chose Station Assault and we both placed our Grav Shift Tokens. He also placed his Grav Well Projectors in such a way that I had to deploy at speed 0. I was able to move the stations and some of the rocks out of range of his Grav Shift token and into a nice spot to be hit by my forces. Here is the opening of the game after deployment and obstacle manipulation:

In the first round, I dropped the station with my bombers and drew his squadrons in toward my own. Here is the close of round 1:

In the second round, I activated Demo first and hit most of his squadrons. I used Screed to activate Bossk with flechettes and managed to activate one or two others this way too. He had revealed a squadron command with Thrawn and ended up not being able to activate much. With the help from Demo, my own squadrons were able to come out ahead. Here is the close of round 2:

In the third round, I cleaned up most of his squadrons and pumped some damage into the lead Interdictor. Here is the close of round 3:

Round four saw the destruction of the first Interdictor with Demo and some heavy damage on the second as my squad superiority really began to tell. Here is the close of round:

In round five, I destroyed the Gozanti with Demo and the Interdictor with my own, completing the tabling. I lost Boba Fett and a generic Firespray in return.

My list performed admirably. Each component had an essential function, though the Flechette Torpedoes on Demo were undoubtably the star of the game. I was able to neutralize some of the most dangerous enemy squadrons, allowing my own squadrons to do their work. IG88 (with Jendon) was most certainly the MVP among the squadrons. I was able to eliminate Morna without any counter-fire and do significant damage to a number of other squadrons.

The obstacle placement was beneficial for me. I was able to pull the stations around and set up some asteroids for the Brunson effect on my flagship.

I made one minor blunder by placing Boba Fett between Bernie’s Jendon and Gamma Squadron, which resulted in his own destruction. I did this to prevent bombing of my Interdictor, but he could have taken the damage and shrugged it off with relative ease.

Lessons Learned:

- If you can take the bombing damage, don’t worry about blocking it with your own squads. The best defense is a good offense.

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