Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Ackbar Proximity Mines vs JJ SSD!

Now that I had my copy of Rebellion in the Rim, I decided to try out an Ackbar fleet that heavily utilized proximity mines. I brought an Assault Frigate with LTT, ECM, Walex, and GT; an MC75 with QBT, LS, GT, ECM, ExRacks, and Strategic Advisor; a pair of Comms Net GR75s (one with Sabine); and a squadron component of Shara/Tycho, Lando, and Mart Mattin. On the other side, Andy brought his new SSD with JJ, Ravager, Intel Officer, Kallus, Ozzel, LS, Spinals, QTC, QLT, and PDR. In support, he had a pair of Gozantis, one with Comms Net, the other with Repair Crews as well as a pair of TIE fighters. We tied on bid (none), he won the roll, and picked my Surprise Attack. Here is the deployment:

The first turn involved a JJ turn to avoid some mines. Here is the opening of round 2:

In the second turn, Andy dropped to speed 0 to avoid coming into range of my guns. I moved into range of his instead. I parked Mattin on the station in order to start dropping mines on the SSD. Here is the opening of round 3:

In the third round, Andy increased speed and hit both of my combat ships at long range. I jumped out of range with my Frigate while staying at long range with the MC75. Here is the opening of round 4:

In the fourth round, Andy was able to do a JJ turn into his own Gozanti in order to ram it and stay in place, out of range of the Assault Frigate. A cheesy but effective move. My MC75 was able to keep pace with damage alright, thanks to the Comms Net tokens and repair dials. Here is the opening of round 5:

In the fifth round, I dropped a Gozanti and a TIE and tried to set up for a final round close range double arc in order to score half points. Here is the opening of round 6:

In the sixth round, Andy performed a JJ turn, which took his SSD out of range of the Frigate and moved it from medium range to long range of the MC75. I destroyed the second Gozanti and TIE fighter, which gave me a 7-4 win.

Proximity Mines: They might be more effective against low-hull targets like MC30s and CR90s, but against the SSD, which also has the double flak dice, they were entirely useless. I used Mattin’s bomb ability a couple time, but ended up forgoing it by the end in order to just throw dice.

JJ on the SSD: I wonder if FFG neglected to fully play test the SSD with Jerjerrod. The movement is just wacky. At speed one, any other ship (even with JJ) would be closer to the enemy after executing a maneuver in the direction of the enemy. Not the SSD. You can actually get much further away because of the major nose rotation. Also, being able to ram ships that are next to you and not remotely in front of you is really strange. JJ ends up feeling a bit "gamey" in the way he maneuvers the SSD. That being said, he is absolutely the best Admiral for this ship, hands down. A solid way to deal with him is to get in nice and close to the side in order to prevent that sort of movement. Large bases with ECM seem to be well suited to this. Having activation superiority (5 is easy to attain) also helps to accomplish this task.

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