Friday, October 25, 2019

Madine Mon Karren vs Thrawn ISD & Demo

I brought Mon Karren with Madine, Bail, ET, WBT, HIE, and LTT; an MC30 Scout with EST, TRC, ExRacks, and OE; slicer Storm with Ezra; a Comms Net flotilla; and squadron support consisting of Shara, Tycho, Dash, and Lando. On the other side, Andy brought a Thrawn list with an ISD2, standard Demo, BTVader Corvus, a Gozanti, and Ciena/Valen. I had a slightly higher bid and picked 2nd, despite being out-activated. Andy picked my Rift Assault and we were off to the races:

I kept Mon Karren back in the hope that Andy would get reckless with his Raider and I’d be able to kill it before the ISD entered the fray. Here is the opening of round 2:

In the second round, I was able to activate my Liberty after the ISD and Demo. I used my Engine Techs to position Mon Karren in front of the pair. I tried to get Demo into a double arc, but went a little too far and my front arc ended up being out. This made me split fire between Demo and the ISD on turn three. I was also just within range of the gravity rift, which meant that I only had an effective speed of 2+1. This resulted in the ISD getting a double arc on me. I totally misplayed that approach. Fortunately, Andy accidentally blocked his Demo in with the ISD, preventing him from giving chase right away. Here is the opening of round 4:

In the fourth round, the ISD stripped the shields from the MC30, but landed right on the gravity rift. I used Ezra to move the rift enough to remove obstruction for the MC30 shot. It was a good shot that brought him down to 3 hull. Lando was able to finish the job in the squad phase. Mon Karren was down to just a few hull as well. Here is the opening of round 5:

In the fifth round, Mon Karren indeed went down and Andy positioned Demo to finish off my MC30. Here is the opening of round 6:

In the sixth round, the tabling was completed, a disaster for the rebellion. The ISD was destroyed, but not due to great play on my side. Andy simply got too aggressive and couldn’t avoid the rift. Choosing Bail over strategic advisor ended up being a bad move. Similarly, me choosing second player in order to make proper use of Bail was a mistake given that I was out-activated. The Rift Assault objective ended up scoring Andy some points while I made no use of it. Only having two ships that can score points on it puts me at a distinct disadvantage. Good learning experience.

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