For this tourney, I decided to run an Admiral that I’ve never used before: Ozzel. I stuck him on an ISD2 with HIEs and LTTs among other things. I also brought a Flechette Raider with Corvus and Iden to try that combo out. In support, I had the Comms Net Gozanti and a squadron ball consisting of Tel Trevura, Dengar, Morna, and 3 Decimators. I expected a bunch of SSDs but was sadly disappointed.
In the first round, I was paired with ChavoGuerrero. He brought a pair of Thrawn Dictors that were kitted out to tank. He also had Demo as a closer and a very good reason for me to not choose 2nd player. In support, he had a pair of Slicer Gozantis. I picked first player knowing that I’d be facing an uphill battle against Chavo’s objective suite. Ion Storm was a bit of a surprise as I was expecting Rift Assault. Regardless, the yellow and blue objectives were more painful for sure (I’ll let you guess them), so Ion Storm it was. Here is opening of round 1:
In the first round, I passed a Nav token to the ISD in order to jump up to speed three when combined with the Ozzel effect. This was overly aggressive for sure, but I really wanted to get a nice shot off in the next round. Here is the opening of round 2:
In the second round, I passed another Nav token to the ISD, hoping to use it to drop to speed 1. Unfortunately, the slicer Gozanti scored a critical and used the objective effect to make me discard the Nav token. This was about the worst thing that could happen as I really wanted to stay in front of the Dictors, but without ramming and landing on asteroids. Here is the opening of round 3:
In the third round, I activated the Raider first and finished off Demo. Chavo’s left Dictor finished off my Raider, and my ISD over-shot the battlefield. Here is the opening of round 4:
In the fourth round, I continued to work away at the Dictors with my Decimators. My ISD contributed as it was able. Thanks to an over abundance critical and accuracy results from my Decimators, both Interdictors were still in the game at the opening of round 5:
In the fifth round, I was able to kill an Interdictor with my Gozanti by activating one of the Decimators first thing. The remaining Interdictor had Wolff on board and was repairing like mad. Here is the opening of round 6:
I was 2 damage shy of sealing the deal in the sixth round. The Interdictor escaped and, while the victory went to me, Chavo managed to hang on to his tournament points in a matchup that was not favorable to him from the outset, so great job there. He deployed the rocks well and managed to keep a nice close formation that really kept me on my toes. Those Dictors can really do damage over time when allowed the double-arc, so I was cognizant of that on my approach. Really good game.
Thoughts on Upgrades:
Linked Turbolaser Towers are fantastic on the ISD2. I used them every shot. Corvus & Iden are also wonderful. Iden allowed the Raider to survive a Demo run and then plant a nice Raid token on the Interdictor to complicate the repairs. Corvus let me deploy the Deci-swarm and then redeploy later. Good stuff.
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