Wednesday, October 30, 2019

JJ SSD vs Ackbar Defiance

For this match, I thought I’d try out the SSD. I was running the Assault variant with Jerjerrod, Annihilator, DCO, Kallus, Intel Officer, HIE, LS, QBT, LTT, QLT, and Gunnery Teams. In support, I had a Raider with Corvus, Iden, ExRacks, and OEs. Andy brought an Ackbar Defiance with a pair of TRC90s, Comms Net flotilla, Shara/Tycho, a HWK, and a VCX. I took first and picked Planetary Ion Cannon. Here is the opening of round 1:

First round, Andy turned a CR90 inward to get it in range for shooting. The other drifted just into range of the SSD as well. Here is the opening of round 2:

In the second round, I scored a solid hit on the right hand CR90 and a minor hit on the left hand corvette. I then took the full firepower of the opposing fleet that stripped most of my frontal shields. The heavily damaged CR90 moved out of range while the other one was stuck just moving out of the more dangerous front arc. Here is the opening of round 3:

Round three, the Raider killed the GR75. The Raider then went down to a double ram from the MC80, which also landed on the debris field and stripped the far shields. The CR90 survived a side arc shot from the SSD and flew off into the rear arc. Here is the opening of round 4:

In the fourth round, I used JJ to turn into the MC80, which was now shieldless and down to four hull. It had saved its brace all along for the next shot. Here is the opening of round 5:

In the fifth round, I was able to kill the MC80, finishing it off with a ram. The CR90s turned in to try for the kill as I only had 5 or so hull remaining. Here is the opening of round 6:

In the sixth round, I was able to kill both CR90s before they could shoot. Had Andy disengaged with the CR90s, it would have been a fairly close game as he had scored half points on the SSD quite handily. But, given that this was a casual game, he figured he might as well go all in.

Jerjerrod performed wonderfully as my admiral. I had a Nav command on the first turn to adjust speed and give me a token for later use. The rest of the game, I simply had repair commands dialed up. My Linked Turbolaser Towers also performed beyond expectations. I forced the HWK to flee after a single long-ranged LTT shot dropped it to a single hull. I was able to bring the VCX down fairly quickly too. On the anti-ship side, it generally provided all I needed for rerolls. I believe I only had to use leading shots once. Planetary Ion Cannons ended up being a fairly benign choice, though they did hurt the Raider a bit.

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