I went to another casual tournament at Cool Stuff in Orlando this month. I have not used the Interdictor with the new objectives yet, and wanted an opportunity to give that a try. I brought a modification of my personal favorite list: A Screed Interdictor with title, Brunson, Targeting Scramblers, Grav Shift, HIE, ET, and DCaps; Demo with Iden, ET, OE, and ACM; a Comms Net Gozanti; and a squad ball of Dengar, Tel Trevura, Morna, and 3 Decimators. I picked three of the Gravity Rift objectives: Rift Assault, Rift Ambush, and Doomed Station.
In the first game, I was paired with Matt, who brought a Dual ISD Jerjerrod list consisting of an ISD2 (on my left), a Cymoon, a pair of Gozantis, and 4 generic TIE fighters. We tied for bid, rolled for it, I won, and picked his Fire Lanes. Here is the deployment (before I moved those obstacles):
Matt had a significant activation advantage, but my goal was to split the two ISDs by spreading Demo and Dictor on both flanks with my Decimators in the center. I also wanted to try to pick up some firing lane tokens. Here is the opening of round 2:
In the second round, Matt dropped is ISD2 to speed 0 to avoid a double arc HIE salvo from the Dictor. I accidentally moved Demo into long range of the Cymoon. The Cymoon used JJ to try to keep Demo in the front arc. My Decimators hit the Cymoon hard. Here is the opening of round 3:
In the third round, I maneuvered the Dictor out of the front arc of the ISD2 and tried to set up for a double-arc. I moved Demo to avoid another front arc shot. My Decimators continued the work on the Cymoon. Tel Trevura went down thanks to a multitude of accuracy results from the TIE fighters that prevented me from using up the defense tokens. Here is the opening of round 4:
In round 4, I moved Demo out of danger, which allowed the ISD2 to move into long range of the Dictor. The Cymoon was almost dead so I started in on the ISD2 with the Decimators, knowing that I’d activate Demo first on the following round to finish the Cymoon. Here is the opening of round 5:
In round five, I indeed finished the Cymoon and laid into the ISD2. I made a major mistake of having a repair command dialed up on Demo with no Nav Tokens while at speed 1. This meant that I couldn’t pull it out of danger and it was stuck in the front arc of the ISD2 with no shields. Demo went down, but I was able to line up a nice double arc with the Dictor for the following round. Here is the opening of round 6:
In the sixth round, the Dictor was able to bring the remaining ISD down to 2 hull remaining before finishing it off with a double ram. Thanks to the loss of Demo, the fire lane tokens, and the length of the game, Matt scored well. I think I end up with an 8-3 victory.
My next game was against Maxwell, who brought his JJ Assault-type SSD with Krennic, DCO, and loads of other upgrades. He had a squadron ball of Morna and a pair of Defenders. He had bid, took first, and picked my Rift Assault. I placed the rift in the middle with rocks flanking it. I deployed the Dictor and Demo to move around the rift and try to pull him into it. Here is the opening of round 1:
In the first round, I jumped the SSD with my Decimators. Tel Trevura tied up his squadrons. Here is the opening of round 2:
In the second round, Maxwell JJed his SSD toward my ships. My Decimators continued the good work. A Defender went down with Tel still going strong. Here is the opening of round 3:
In the third round, I managed to fly Demo over into the SSD rear flank arc, thinking I could easily take a single shot from that weak arc. The SSD was starting to take hull damage at this point. Here is the opening of round 4:
In the fourth round, Maxwell got a crazy good, essentially perfect, unmodified shot from his rear flank that was able to destroy my Demo. Eight damage with three accuracies was the result. He used Ravager to add a pair of black dice. I was just out of range of my Targeting Scramblers. Maxwell then moved onto the Gravity Rift in order to try to kill my Interdictor. His only hope was to table me on the following round as my Decimators were all still going strong. My Dictor got the double arc shot on him, rammed him, and then my Decimators finished the job, destroying the SSD before it could take the shot. Here is the final board state before removing the SSD:
In the end, I got second place despite my solid wins. My desire was two-fold: to try the gravity rift objectives paired with an Interdictor and to try to match my ECM-less fleet against the SSD to see how it fared. Both objectives were met and I was quite please with the results. Grav Shift in conjunction with the gravity rift really proved potent. I have noticed that the Rift Assault objective seems to be the weakest of the rift objectives. Something to keep in mind. Lastly, that Ravager title with the right upgrades and rolls can produce some absolutely devastating results. I won’t soon underestimate its damage output. Great games from both Matt and Maxwell though, and congrats to Tim for taking the win!
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