Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Thrawn Dual Dictors vs Piett SSD

In this game, I wanted to run a Thrawn list that I’ll be facing in the Autumn Vassal Tournament. It consists of a pair of Interdictors, a Demo, and a pair of Slicer Gozantis. On the other side, Andy brought a Command SSD with Piett, TEA!, Rapid Launch Bays, and an assortment of other upgrades with a Comms Net Gozanti in support. The squadrons in the RLBs consisted of Maarek/Jendon, Rhymer, and a pair of Defenders. Andy had a 1 point bid and chose second. I picked his Abandoned Mining Facility, which was one of my objectives as well and I really wanted to try out with an Interdictor. Here. Is the opening after the Grav Shift:

In the first round, I grabbed a bunch of victory tokens from my mining efforts. I accidentally set Demo to nav instead of repair and missed that token. Oops. Here is the opening of round 2:

In the second round, I scooped up more victory tokens and made the mistake of activating Demo before the SSD. Andy was able to point the thing at Demo and even positioned himself for the double-arc. In the third round, I activated Demo first, but was unable to reposition and the SSD proceeded to kill it with help from the RLB squadrons. My Gozanti also went down. Here is the opening of round 4:

In the fourth round, I lost my flagship Interdictor. In the fifth and sixth, I did more damage to the SSD and he almost finished off my remaining Dictor. Here is the final board state:

This was a narrow defeat with 16 victory tokens earned on my side counterbalancing the loss of most of my fleet. The takeaway point is that Abandoned Mining Facility is a fantastic objective choice for any fleet with a Grav Shift Interdictor.

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