In game four of the Autumn Tourney, I was paired with Rikash, who was running a very interesting list: a Command-Type SSD with Jerjerrod, DCO, Woldar, Wing Commander, Flight Controllers, LS, QBT, and the Reserve Hangar Deck. His squadrons were Valen, Rhymer, an Interceptor, a Jumpmaster, and 4 Firesprays. Looking at the overall concept, the lists are quite similar: a big, heavy activation with a bunch of Rogue bombers. I like his style. I had bid and took first and picked fighter ambush. This meant it was my game to lose. Here is the opening of round 1:
In the first round, I saved the Raider for last. I then jumped up to speed 4 in order to double-arc the SSD while threatening any squadrons that elect to stick around in the vicinity. This let me do some bombing with the Decimators to start softening the SSD. It is also my key mistake in this game as it forced me to activate the Raider first, come what may. Here is the opening of round 2:
In the second round, my Raider managed a total of two damage to the front of the SSD and then flew off. I was just inside medium range after the maneuver. Rikash was then free to alpha-strike my squadrons. He rolled nearly perfectly, even before the Woldar rerolls and cleared out Tel, Dengar, and a Decimator. The Raider was also hurting and he JJ-turned to ram it and remain on the station. My ISD then activated with a now useless squadron command. Here is the opening of round 3:
In the third round, I did what should have been done in the second. I activated my ISD and cleared out all of the Firesprays with my remaining Decimators. I lost another Decimator and Morna was hurting by the end of the round. Also, the Raider went down. Here is the opening of round 4:
In the fourth round, I was hoping for a Nav command, but had set a repair. I was unable to clear the SSD without an extra click along the way. This meant we were nose to nose. I had ECM and had removed the SSD Leading Shots with my Vader boarding team, but without a double-arc, I just wasn’t making much progress. Here is the opening of round 5:
In the fifth round, I yet again did not have that Nav command and was still stuck nose to nose. Rikash was only too happy to remain on the station and ram me. The sixth round brought the same and I was just shy of dropping the SSD to half health. Neither of us scored any victory tokens. Rikash was able to walk away with a very respectable 8-3 win.
I’m convinced that had I played the Raider conservatively on turn 1, I would have been able to gain supremacy in the bloody squadron fight. I had the right commands dialed in on my ISD for the first three rounds. This would have kept the Raider in reserve instead of wasting it on a marginal-value attack run. Rikash rolled extremely well on his alpha-strike, but had I hit first, it would have made a big difference in the results.
A final thought on Ozzel: had I taken Jerjerrod instead of Ozzel, three of my four games would have had more favorable results. I really wanted to like Ozzel, but I will be retiring him as a highly inferior admiral. For 3 more points, Jerjerrod is real steal.
On the other side, Rikash played it perfectly. He sat on the station and let his squadrons do their thing. He also rightly avoided my Raider on turn 1, letting the SSD take some Decimator hits and not taking the bait. Great game!
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