Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Ozzel LMSU vs Ackbar MC80

I brought an Ozzel ISD2, TRC Arquittens, HIE Raider (on left), Corvus/Iden Vader-Raider, and a Comms Net Gozanti. On the other side, Andy brought an Ackbar MC80 with Home One title, a pair of TRC90s with Intel Officers, Comms Net GR75, and a squadron ball consisting of a pair of YT2400s, Green Squadron, and a VCX. He had no bid, so I took first and selected his Intel Sweep. Here is the setup:

In the first round, I positioned my Arquittens to collect a token and move for a second. I probably should have seen the futility of that. I waited until the last to move the HIE Raider in for a long-range double-arc on the MC80. Here is the opening of round 2:

In the second round, I stripped a bunch of shields from the MC80 with my HIE Raider, but didn’t have a great place to fly after that to avoid shots, so ended up losing it to the combined fire of Andy’s whole list. I pushed Corvus up to act as a blocker. Here is the opening of round 3:

In the third round, I had to activate Corvus first to avoid getting popped by the Home One side arc. Everything clustered in around the MC80, which was down to just a few hull and a couple shields remaining. Here is the opening of round 4:

In the fourth round, I activated Corvus first, totally forgot about my external racks (that’s what I get for not using cards), and failed to score the requisite two hull damage on the MC80 to finish it off. I lost both the Raider and the Arquittens. I made the mistake of activating the ISD (finishing off both the MC80 and the left CR90) before my Gozanti, which let Andy position his last CR90 in my side arc. Here is the opening of round 5:

In the end, the CR90 escaped with a single hull and Andy obtained a close victory. It was a bloody game with some pretty significant mistakes on my part. I made a poor call on activation order in the fourth round. I also was so eager to get an early HIE shot on the MC80, that I failed to provision and plan for follow up shots. I essentially fed my small ships in one per turn. My concern for picking up tokens with the Arquittens made me place it in a highly vulnerable spot. I should have turn to the right in the first turn and planned to move to the front of the line, staying out of range of both CR90s when possible. This was a really great trial of a fleet archetype that I rarely utilize.

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