Sunday, November 10, 2019

Thrawn Harrow & Demo vs Raddus Aspiration & Squads

I played against Tyler this game. It was just a casual game. I brought Thrawn on a Victory with Harrow, ETs, Tua/ECM, OE, ExRacks, and LTT; Demo with Kallus, OE, ExRacks, and ETs; Comms Net Gozanti; and my recent favorite squadron ball consisting of Tel, Dengar, Morna, and 3 Decimators. On the other side, Tyler brought a Raddus list consisting of a pair of Hammerheads with ExRacks; an MC75 Ordnance Cruiser with ECM, APTs, OE, and ExRacks; a Toryn Farr GR75; a GR75 with Boosted Comms, Adar, and BCC; and a squadron ball of Lando, Dash, Wedge, Dutch, Gold, and a generic X-Wing. I had the bid, took first, and selected Superior Positions. Here is the opening of round 1:

In the first round, I collected tokens and we started in early on the squadron fight when Tyler put Dutch within my reach. Here is the opening of round 2:

In the second round, I jumped Demo up to throw some flak at the squadrons. I even burned my External Racks to try to knock out Dutch before he could activate. Alas, he survived the shot and was able to activate. He and Wedge teamed up to kill Tel Trevura. I used Engine Techs on both Demo and the Victory not because I needed to, but just because I could this was an error as I pushed Harrow up too far and blocked myself in with Demo’s presence. Tyler dropped Raddus in with a solid double arc on Harrow’s rear. Here is the opening of round 3:

In the third round, I activated Demo first and cleaned up Lando and Dutch while putting damage on the Hammerhead. Had I saved the ExRacks for said Hammerhead, I likely would have killed it. Aspiration activated and was able to kill Harrow with the double arc. I used ECM on the first shot, hoping that an accuracy would not be forthcoming in the second. Alas, Harrow died without contributing to the fight. I finished Dash in the squadron phase, but not before I finished off one of my Decimators with a perfect 4 damage roll. Here is the opening of round 4:

In the fourth round, I committed two of my Decimators to chasing down the Hammerhead, who only had a single hull remaining. Here is the opening of round 5:

In the fifth round, Demo put more damage on Aspiration and my Decimators at the bottom scored a single hit between the two of them, which Tyler was able to redirect. Here is the opening of round 6:

In the sixth round, my Decimators once again only scored a single hit between the two of them and the Hammerhead escaped giving Tyler the victory. Good game. It really went south on me with the Raddus drop, but I managed to hold on and scape up a good amount of points between the squadrons and the tokens. My Decimators failed me terribly, but that is part of the risk of bringing them. Harrow could have done well, had I played it properly, but I really blundered into that position right behind my other ship. Lesson learned: Don’t block yourself in, especially with an upcoming Raddus drop!

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