Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ackbar MC80 & MC75 vs Ackbar MC80 & CR90s

Ackbar v Ackbar death match right here! On my side, I’ve got an MC80, MC75, TRC90, and Comms Net flotilla. On the other side, Andy brought an MC80 or his own along with a pair of TRC90s, Comms Net flotilla, Shara/Tycho, A-Wing, and VCX. We both had 400 points, but Andy gave me second as he wanted to try going first with his fleet. He picked my Volatile Deposits and here is the deployment:

In the first round, I edged forward while he kept his distance. Here is the opening of round 2:

In the second round, I continued to move forward. I was hoping to use my MC75 to displace his MC80 and take control of that asteroid. Here is the opening of round 3:

In the third round, I blundered with my CR90 and jumped up to speed 4 to get into the rear arc of the MC80. I was playing it far too aggressively for second player. Andy put a bit of damage through. Here is the opening of round 4:

In the fourth round, Andy finished off my CR90 and we both continued to circle around each other, with his CR90s catching up to my MC80. Here is the opening of round 5:

In the fifth round, I managed to secure the other asteroid with my MC75, but Andy was also able to win one with his CR90. Here is the opening of round 6:

In the sixth round, Andy was able to ram-kill my flotilla and secure both asteroids on my side while I retained control of the asteroid on his. Thanks to my amassed tokens, I managed to win with a mere 2 MOV. This may have been our closest game yet! I misplayed the MC80 by moving it up to speed 2 unnecessarily. Had it maintained speed 1 the entire game, I could have better protected my flotilla while maintaining control of the asteroid in turn 5. My CR90 was poorly played. I should have kept it well back in order to preserve it for the activation if nothing else. Good close game.

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