Thursday, September 5, 2019

JJ Victory & Demo vs Screed Cymoon & Kuat

In this match, I brought Jerjerrod on a Vic 1 with Warlord, H9s, Tua, ECM, OEs and ExRacks; Demo with Brunson, OEs, and APTs; a Raider with Flechettes, OEs, Iden, and Corvus; Morna, Mauler, Dengar, and 3 Decimators. On the other side, Andy brought a Cymoon (on left) and Kuat with Fire Control, HIEs, and ACMs. In support, he had a Gozanti and a light squadron presence. I had a 3 point bid, chose first, and took Contested Outpost. Here is the deployment:

In the first round, I moved the Victory and Demo in to threaten the Kuat while Andy turned the Cymoon the opposite direction with the intent of popping the Raider. He had ‘Take Evasive Action’ on the Cymoon and was planning to wheel the Cymoon back around again toward the Victory with the extra click. Morna managed an early shot on the Kuat. Otherwise, no action. Here is the opening of round 2:

In the second round, I positioned the Victory to hopefully get a double-arc on the Kuat while also leaving an escape route open. My Decimators really got to work in the damage race. The Raider was able to stay out of range of the Cymoon thanks to JJ, but it was mostly out of the battle as well. The Kuat activated after all my ships, scored a HIE shot on the Victory and moved in to be ready for the kill-shot. It wasn’t able to avoid the double-arc. Here is the opening of round three:

The third round opened with me destroying the Kuat with the Victory. Thanks to External Racks and the softening effect of the Decimators, I scored the exact amount of damage to finish it off before it could activate and kill my flagship. The Decimators switched over to the Cymoon. In the fourth round, Demo was even able to soften up the Cymoon further with an APT shot to the rear. Mauler and Dengar were able to wear down his squadrons. Here is the opening of round 5:

In the fifth round, the Decimators continued to fire into the Cymoon, taking it down as it fled. This game was over fast. Decimators (or any bomber-heavy fleet) tend to make short work of Dual ISD lists. My Victory put in some very good work with the black dice on this one. That first player activation really gave me a huge advantage in the brawl between the Victory and Kuat. I don’t often run Jerjerrod either, but he did very fine work in this one. The Victory was able to do just the right maneuver to position for a double arc on the Kuat after it moved and Demo was able to get into the fight against the Cymoon before it could escape.

Had Andy slowed the Kuat to speed 1 in the first turn and sped the Cymoon up to speed 3, turning toward the primary threats, I think things would not have gone as well for me.

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