Monday, September 23, 2019

Thrawn Victory & Demo vs Raddus Profundity

For this match, I brought a list with a number of the new upgrades. I had a Victory 1 with Thrawn, Harrow/ET, Tua/ECM, OE, APT, and Linked Turbolaser Towers; Demo with Brunson, ET, OE, APT; an Arquittens with LTT and Expert Shield Techs; a Comms Net Gozanti; and Soontir, Ciena, Dengar, and Mauler. On the other side, Andy brought a Raddus list with an MC75 Profundity with a Cham/Garels Honor Hammerhead tucked inside. Not only that, but he also had 3 B-Wings stored away in the Rapid Launch Bays. I took first and tried out his Surprise Attack. Here is the opening of round 1:

The first round involved some minor positioning. I spread my squadrons out to cause problems for the turn 2 drop. In the second round, I was able to put some decent damage into the MC75 with red dice from the Victory and Arquittens as well as a Demo strike. The Hammerhead put some damage through on the Arquittens. Here is the opening of round 3:

The third round was a bit of a bloodbath with Demo and the Arquittens both going down as well as the MC75. My squadrons continued to plug away at Andy’s squadrons. I lost Soontir in exchange for a pair of B-Wings. Here is the opening of round 5:

In the fifth and final round, I was able to score just enough damage on the Hammerhead to finish it off with the Victory at long range. We called it at that point. It ended up being a close game with a slight victory to me. I was really hoping that the Surprise Attack objective would be a strong alternative to Most Wanted, but for my particular list, it had a negligible effect. Having the Comms Net Gozanti proved to be highly advantageous in countering the effects of the raid tokens. Harrow at speed 1 on top of the station was really not that vulnerable with Demo and an Arquittens on its flanks.

Harrow is a fantastic title and combined with Tua/ECM, makes the Vic1 truly formidable. Linked Turbolaser Towers is an excellent upgrade on both the Victory and Arquittens. It will be a go-to upgrade in the future. Expert Shield Tech is also a really great upgrade on low-shield ships like he Arquittens. It puts the redirect tokens to great use even after the shields are stripped.

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